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Dance classes available to suit all levels of Highland Dance from those just taking up the discipline to the experienced highland dancer.
Dance examinations are held throughout the year where dancers are adjudicated by professional judges with certificates and awards issued based on their individual performances. Dance examinations are held through the international dance body UKAdance.
Highland Scholarships
The Third Highland Scholarship Event is being held in April and this will be a Virtual event this year.
This will include Performance and Solo Choreography and is open to all UKA Medallists.
Performances should be recorded and submitted to the dancers dance teacher by 16th April 2021.
All winners will be posted on the UKAdance Facebook site.
What to expect
Immersive & Energetic
Highland Dancers can compete at Highland Dance Competitions that are held throughout the country. Various categories are available that allow dancers to compete against other competitors at the same level. The aspiration of all competitive dancers is to compete at the World Highland Dancing Championships that are held annually at Cowal in Dunoon, Scotland. COVID RESTRICTIONS HAVE CURRENTLY POSTPONED ALL COMPETITIVE EVENTS AT THIS TIME.

What to expect
Primary to Premier Competitive Dancers
Allow us to guide you through the Highland Dancing World and help you progress in your career meeting and competing against your fellow dancers.
Class Updates
We are now back at our dancing classes with certain Covid restrictions in place around social distancing and using one way system whilst in class.
Day and Venue
Monday – Danestone Congregational Church
Tuesday – Kintore Village Hall
Wednesday – Peterhead Dance Studio, 67 Broad Street, Peterhead Thursday – Foveran Hall Friday – Mintlaw Village Hall